Time-Based Factors

These factors deal with when an article is published and/or discovered by Google News:

Time-Based Factors

1=strongest factor; 5=weakest

OpEd Commentary:

“Shouting ‘First!’ with a comment is lame, but is all the rage with Google News. Get your story seen by Google first at all costs.” – AJ Kohn
“First to publish tends to have the second order effect of being the most widely cited, which is critical for Google News rankings.” – Matthew Brown

“Getting the article out before others is a newsroom decision but obviously would help with Google News display of site for a news topic” – Eleanor Hong

“Malformed or missing timestamp in the HTML can tank Google News visibility.” – Matthew Brown

“Quality > quantity” - Chris Mull

“More often, news sites would just update the story with new developments. However, more stories on different perspective of the news topic helps build a site’s authority of the news topic” – Eleanor Hong

“Next day coverage may help build a site’s authority and credibility of the news topic” – Eleanor Hong

  • Helen Silvis

    Does being first with the story disadvantage Western publications? Just a thought.

  • Gus

    I suspect not. It will be related to the localised search e.g. in UK it will be related to Does bring up the interesting idea of trawling news from ‘rising sun’ lands to get the scoop on local outlets.